How to Disable IPv4 Auto Configuration – IPv4 auto configuration is one of Windows service which responsible for setting up IP address in order to connect to the network. This feature conveniently setup network for Windows machine without much effort from user.
As I said this is essential feature in Windows which help you in most of time. But sometime you need to disable this feature like when you want to setup network manually or when IP auto configuration mess up with your network setup.
You can disable IPv4 auto configuration with 4 steps.
- Choose your network interface that you want to disable auto configuration.
Open command prompt and type :netsh interface ipv4 show inter
- Disable auto configuration in desired interface. I choose to disable IPv4 auto config in interface with id 9.
netsh interface ipv4 set interface 9 dadtransmit=0 store=persistent
- After disabling auto configuration in the interface then open Windows Service and disable DHCP client & restart network connection. In some cases you will need to restart your PC / laptop after disabling DHCP client.
Step 2: Disable DHCP Client service Step 2: Disable DHCP Client service Step 3: Restart Network Connection service. - Last step try is to reconnect to network or setup address in that network interface.
If you find after restarting service the IP auto configuration still active try to restart your computer / laptop before trying to connect to network again. Sometime Windows failed to response after you made changes so restarting is one of the way for Windows to reload its settings.