Format vs Wipe: Pros and Cons – Format and wipe are two methods we often use when we want to get rid of useless data. Both can be used for removing data but have differences in method and effectiveness.

Format vs Wipe: Pros and Cons
Format vs Wipe: Pros and Cons

Data wipe involves overwriting the storage space on a media with non-sensitive data, making the original data unrecoverable. While format only reset the file system and deletes the file header thus making the file disappear from Windows Explorer.

Key Differences


  • Format prepares a storage device for specific usage by resetting the file system and deleting all saved data.
  • Format can be done from Disk Management or Windows Explorer.
  • From the security point of view formatted disks still contain data that can be restored (although a bit complex).
  • Format is quicker than wipe (only takes a few minutes to format 1 TB of disk)


  • Data wipe permanently deletes and destroys data, making it unrecoverable.
  • Data wipes need specific tools and methods (usually from a third party).
  • Data wipe is more secure than format.
  • Data wipe is slower than format, even slower when using complex methods.
Format Vs Wipe Comparison
Format Vs Wipe Comparison


Both format and data wipe can be useful but one is better in certain conditions. Use one of the methods that suits your needs.

Use the format if you:

  • Don’t want to sell your storage/laptop/PC
  • Don’t have time to wait for data wipe (it could take hours to days)
  • The data you want to delete isn’t too confidential

Use data wipe if:

  • Your data is confidential
  • You are willing to wait data wipe process
  • You want to sell your hard disk/storage/laptop/PC after you delete your data

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